Event Rules



  • Upon your arrival, please check-in at registration to receive your LDRS41 Flight Badge. Flight cards will not be available without being registered for the event

  • Vehicles with 10’x10′ canopies will be parked closer to the launch area. Trailers and campers will be parked in a designated area west of the car parking area. Please see event layout map.

  • The park has a strict ban on gas powered electric generators. The only exceptions for their use are:

    • Food vendors to maintain food safety.

    • Wildman Hobbies will utilize their generator to power a motor home cool to treat heat exhaustion.

  • Participant Parking/Prep Areas

    • Reserved areas are pre-defined for specific occupants and reasons. All other space in the parking and prep areas are on a first-come, first-grabbed basis

    • All Vendors areas will be pre-reserved on a first-come, first-reserved notification.

  • No fireworks are permitted at LDRS 41

  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited while the launch range is in operation

  • No smoking is permitted in the rocket preparation, check-in, flight line or launch pad areas.

  • No Radio Control (RC) aircraft or RC cars will be permitted while the range in operation. Note that this restriction does not apply to RC boost gliders flown from the launch pads. No more than two (2) drones operating during this event (unless for recovery locations of lost rockets). Drones are not allowed to fly directly over parking areas crowds of people or launch pad area.

  • Richard Bong Recreational Area is a carry-in/carry-out park. Other than the dumpster provided at the launch site, there are no trash receptacles in the park. Please check your area for garbage or debris and dispose of it appropriately whether it’s yours or not. Launch sites are precious commodities, and we want to keep ours.

  • Without exception, LDRS 41 high-power Flyers must bring the following pieces of identification:

    • Positive Photo ID

    • Active TRA or NAR membership card –OR– Certification Level/Membership documentation if new card has not been received.

    • These items are required to verify each flyer’s identity when picking-up their Flyers Packet and Badge. Certification level will be indicated on the Flyer’s Badge and motor limits will be strictly adhered to during LDRS 33.

  • All flyers using research motors must be Tripoli members at least 18 years of age or older.

  • Eligible flyers may fly Research and/or commercially certified motors per the Tripoli Research safety code.

  • TRA/NAR Certification flights are permitted using Commercial certified motors only.

  • Non TRA/NAR members under 18 years of age may fly model rockets from the Model Rocket Launch area under the direction of an adult Tripoli member.

  • Tripoli Junior members that have successfully passed the Tripoli Mentor Program (TMP) Training Exam may participate in High Power activities when under the supervision of a Tripoli Senior member.

  • Members of the NAR are welcome to fly Commercial Motors under the present Safety Code

  • The Tripoli Safety Code prohibits access to the pad area by spectators and invited guests who are not Tripoli members. Invited guests may be in the motor/rocket preparation areas but may not be present at the pad area unless they are Tripoli or NAR members. That means everyone participating launch range operations must be a Registered LDRS 41 flyer during the event. No LDRS 41 badge No access to pads will be permitted



  • Please obey the park speed limit 25mph. They do radar enforcement.

  • The waiver for the duration of LDRS 41 will be 12,000′ AGL.
  • Impulse restrictions:

    • For commercial motors, Total impulse must be less than 20,481 n-sec (N motor). Staged, clusters and odd-rocs allowed

    • For research motors, Total impulse must be less than 10,241 n-sec (M motor). Staged, clusters and odd-rocs not allowed

  • All four days of LDRS will allow research flights. Tripoli Research rules apply. 

  • All popular sizes of launch rods and rails (1010,1515) will be available for your use. If you need special ground support equipment (Unistrut) you are advised to bring your own.

  • Range hours for LDRS 41 will be 9:00am to 4:00pm daily. There will be NO Night Launches.

  • Pay attention! Every flight is potentially dangerous to you, family and property. If the LCO calls “Heads up!” it means get on your feet, get out from under tents/awnings, look up, and warn others to do the same!

  • Do not operate wheeled vehicles of any kind outside of the graveled roadway area. This includes cars, trucks, SUVs, ATVs, bicycles, etc.

  • If you are away from the pad area and cannot hear the public address speakers, please tune your FM radio to (TBA) to monitor LCO announcements.

  • All popular sizes of launch rods and rails will be available for your use. If you need special ground support equipment you are advised to bring your own.

  • Please fill out a flight card for your flight before arriving at the RSO table.

  • All flights must go through RSO inspection and receive an RSO sign off before entry to the range. RSO inspection/sign-off is required prior to each flight, even if the same rocket is flown multiple times.

  • All motors of impulse class “F” and above must have their igniters installed at the pad. If you arrive at the RSO with an igniter installed you will be asked to immediately leave the line to correct the problem, and you will have to wait in line again.

  • NOTE: There are only two exceptions to this rule (both require coordination with the RSO):

  •   An igniter which must be built-in to the motor during construction; in this case, all igniter leads must remain shunted/shorted together until the rocket is on the pad.

  •  The rocket is a cluster rocket; in this case, igniters may be loaded in a designated area within the launch range area.

  • All electronic recovery devices must be powered off when the rocket is brought to the RSO.

  • Do not enter the range to load or recover a rocket until the LCO announces “the range is safe”. When retrieving your rocket, DO NOT drive any vehicle into the grass or on restricted roads

  • Any Odd Rocket (odd-rocs) with a total installed impulse of greater than 2,559 Ns (K or Greater) must be approved in advance by LDRS Special Projects Coordinator.

  • Any rocket weighing over 100 lbs.’ must have a flight simulation with the installed motor available for review by the RSO.

  • Mass Launches (3 or more rockets intended to be launched simultaneously) –

  • No more than 3 rockets will be attempted to be launched at one time. This means all the rockets in the first group have landed before a second group is launched.

    • No Odd Rockets.

    • NO research motors

    • All must have active recovery with a decent rate not greater than 30’fps

    • No multi stage or clusters